How do I find an international candidate?
Now that you’ve decided to also look for international talent, there are a few practical matters you should take into account. This might the first time you start working with an international / expat / highly skilled migrant, so it makes sense to inform yourself about matters like work permits and working with different cultures in your company. The Expat Center gladly informs you about the logical steps to take.
Recruiting within Europe is easier, because of travel distances and language and culture is closer to the Dutch. Moreover, there is no requirement for work and residence permits.
When recruiting an international, always pay close attention to:
- Any experience of the candidate working/studying abroad
- The motivation (prestige, economic progress)
- Level of English
- Accompanying partner/family
- Cultural differences
- Validation of local diplomas
- Employee binding by means of main language in the office or Dutch language training, assign a buddy
The Expat Center will assist you
Recruiting abroad is more difficult than in the Netherlands, but certainly not impossible. Make use of your own network or use one of our service partners: Bysonder Recruitment, QSXL and the Chain Company. We work closely together and the Expat Center can take care of the following steps: applying for the work permit and housing for your new colleague. We also work together with TalentIT, the organisation assisting IT students finding a position with companies in our region for part time job, internship or job.
Also keep in mind what the impact will be of working with people from different cultural backgrounds. You can prepare yourself by participating in workshops, cultural differences trainging and consult a specialist. The Expat Center will gladly forward you to our network.
Dual Career Service: a job for the trailing spouse!
Since 2019 the Expat Center works closely together with recruitment partner The Chain Company and together we now offer the Dual Career Service. This service can be used, by you as employer, as a recruiting tool to convince the candidate to come working for you. It often happens that the one who will start the job in Twente, will only do so if his or her partner will also have a good chance of finding a suitable job. Unfortunately partners often get to feel lonely when they don’t find a job and build their own (social) network. The consequence will be that both knowledge migrant and the family will travel back to their home country, leaving the employer with the challenge to (again) find a new employee.
Companies and their international staff can use the support of the Expat Center to find a suitable job for the spouse who can then build his or her own network and continue his or her career.
The program:
The spouses can join a short (4-5 months) of longer (5-6 months) program in which they learn how to apply for a job in the Netherlands, what are specific, cultural issues you can run into, what are the do’s and don’ts, which job boards are relevant, how to use Linked-In ? In other words: how do you find a job within reasonable time with a company that will recognize your talent and expertise and where you can make a career out of your job.
Do you want to learn more about the 2 different programs and the reasonable fees? Contact us by calling +31 (0) 74 2503325, send us an e-mail or fill in the contact form .
Job vacancy
In the east of the Netherlands, it’s also possible to use the job site hosted by Twente Branding. To post a job vacancy on please contact Twente Branding on 053-4836 839.
Do you have any questions? Of course we are happy to speak to you personally, in Dutch or English. You can reach us by calling + 31 (0) 74 2503325, sending an email to or fill in the contact form.