I would like to employ an international candidate, what should I consider?

Now or in the future, you may be looking for a highly-skilled, international employee. But where do you find this employee? And what should you consider when employing an international? Expat Center East Netherlands offers a wide range of services to guide you in engaging an international. From recruiting a candidate, right up to the initial trial period and settling in. In our toolbox, which we developed in cooperation with ISTwente and Twente Branding, you will find all the information you need to ensure that your new employee has a ' soft landing ' on arrival.  And to feel at home in your organisation, as well as, in the east of the Netherlands.

The advantages of our services are:

Contact point for questions

We are the contact point for HR advisors and internationals who work in the east of the Netherlands or are interested in our region.

Personal guidance

Upon arrival in the Netherlands, we will be happy to help your employee find suitable accommodation, opening a bank account and arrange other formalities.

One location

All the formalities for your newly arrived employee are dealt with at the same time in one location, our Welcome Center in the municipal office of Enschede.


The Toolbox for HR-Consultants is in Dutch and English. You will find detailed pages in the fully English section.

Do you have any questions? Of course we are happy to speak to you personally, in Dutch. You can reach us by calling + 31 (0) 74 2503325, sending an email to info@ecen.nl or fill in the contact form.



The Toolbox for HR-Consultants was created jointly by the Expat Center East Netherlands, Twente Branding and International School Twente (ISTwente).